May 30Liked by Ruth MacGilp

Love this summary! And resonates a lot with my experience at other climate / environmental conferences, the feeling that the answers are far simpler than we are willing to accept. Making changes seem impossibly complicated is a dangerous tool for climate delay.

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Thank you Cass! Yes, I think I will have an embargo on attending conferences/COPs with corporates for the time being (unless someone is paying me to speak haha) because it feels like I'm going crazy. The new climate denial is climate delay through overcomplication for sure.

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Beautiful and truly threadbare summary of the Summit - thank you for sharing Ruth, and thank you for also posting about Owning It. I loved Paul Polman's reminder that really it all just comes down to us: "Do you care?"

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Thank you so much Rachel. Your newsletter about the summit was also excellent. On the 'Do you care?' - the problem is some sustainability managers might very well care but they are working for profit-driven businesses with all the wrong incentives in place. If their efforts don't tell a good marketing story or offer return on investment, they will be scrapped. The CEOs and CFOs do not care. They should be the ones at these summits (or better, on the ground in their factories and farms in sweltering heat and floods), as they have the most to learn!

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Yes couldn't agree more. The "us" needing to be humanity at large, and not indeed the small subsection of those already bought in and trying to do the work but being so restricted on it by the nature of the system they're a part of. It's how we get those people in the rooms (and in the factories et al!) to shape this with us.

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May 27Liked by Ruth MacGilp

Thanks for your raw honesty.

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Thank you Lavinia! And for yours - I have been loving your recent newsletters.

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Great summary. I love the clarity of produce lees, pay living wages, use less fossil fuels. If every brand oriented around those goals imagine where we could be!

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Thank you Amelia. Yes - any brand is welcome to use my simple 3 pronged sustainability strategy...instead they'll hire a £££ consulting firm to create another circularity project :)))

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